Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Stomach pain and health information for an effective stomach pain treatment

Stomach pain is a term for pain in which originated in the stomach such as arthritis or celiac. If you are not treated properly and promptly, the disease may cause serious complications such as stomach bleeding and stomach cancer.
Reasons for stomach pain
This kind of disease has many causes, the most common cause can be:
-        Using too much wine and beer which contains alcohol, eating too much food which contains spices (too spicy or too sour…)
-        Use of drugs which is harmful to the gastric mucosa such as Aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or HP bacteria, viruses and also fungus may be one of the causes of gastritis.
-        Another cause of stomach pain or gastritis is stress – it could be your usual concern or anger in the daily life…, or after a major trauma, after a big operation, burns or severe infections… The usual reflux of bile from the duodenum and stomach can also cause gastritis.
So, having a reliable health information of stomach pain and treatment will help you to get over this dangerous disease.
Patients should absolutely not treat themselves by buying medicine without medical examination and description or a truthful health information of doctors, also, they should not trust traditional medicine of word of mouth such as soda water and burn rice…etc. This has inadvertently made stomach pain to become more difficult to treat and that might be more complicated to cure.
An effective treatment of gastritis requires the physician to have an accurate diagnosis and the patient must be patient and cooperate with good doctors and follow the health information because to cure gastritis, patients have to take medicine and continuous monitoring for a time from several weeks to several months. The commonly used drugs are neutralized gastric acid, the gastric mucosa and reduce gastric acid secretion ... If there is an infection, the physician will require using more antibiotics.
During the treatment, you should also combine with a healthy diet. In specific:
-        You should eat less fried food because those kinds of food are not easy to digest and lead to trouble of digestive system.
-        At less salty food. This food contains a high level of salt which cause stomach have to work harder.
-        Eat less raw food, cold food, and stimuli. They are the reasons for troubles in gastric mucosa which leads to diarrhea or gastroenteritis.

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