Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Quick charger will top up the game of improving lithium battery life

Quick charger will top up the game of improving lithium battery life
Many best smartphones have quick charge technology such as Oppo and Galaxy… However, mobile manufacturers tend to improve this technology constantly that helps  lithium battery to charge at its best.
Recently, a charger company released a new generation of quick charge technology which allows 10 times faster charging than normal ones. Will a battery of 600 mah, it only takes 2 minutes of a quick charger to charge nearly 70% of lithium battery life. Meanwhile, with a lithium battery of 3000 mah, it only takes 5 mins to charge it up to 50%. Certainly, quick charge technology is upgraded quickly just because the cost is lower than researchers for a new generation of a lithium battery, not to mention of improving battery technology is still struggling.
Virtual assistant is as good as human
As before, a virtual assistant can only do simple tasks on smartphones such as answering commands with a simple voice, making calls, sending emails, taking notes… But next year, things will be a lot different. Virtual assistants will grow up in 2016 due to the ability to react in the surrounding context. Based on the data model of the device, virtual assistant on your phone can gather information and feedback, advice even when the employer is not required. Virtual Assistant will prompt for your appointment, keep in mind the daily commute, or simply a self-congratulatory message sent to someone's birthday.
Era of mobile payment
Since Apple has started the mobile payment war with Apple Pay, many of their opponents have begun their revenge. First thing is payment service named Samsung Pay, it was operated in Korea at first, but it has been released in many other markets currently. Not for long after that, Google introduced Android Pay, the payment service which is open to all Android smartphones. Not to be outdone, LG also recently launched LG Pay and services in cooperation with a number of credit card companies in Korea, even a company specializing in the manufacture of Swiss watches recently released solvency mobile computing with the clock named Swiss made.

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