Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Health benefits of milk that you may not know

In the developed countries, milk is considered as a nutritious food, it’s rich in vitamins and minerals from natural which is also really good for the body. Fresh milk is not used as often as a daily drink, but they also use various forms of preparation, mixed with fruit, pastry and add to the dish. Doctors and nutrition experts encourage consumers to drink milk with 100% natural because the health benefits of milk are not only easy to drink, taste delicious, fresh milk are easily absorbed and can be taken regularly, continually via the handy packaging forms.
According to research by Professor Peter Elwood at Cardiff University, United Kingdom, drinking milk may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke by 20 percentages. In particular, the milk is good for people with high blood pressure group, minimizing heart disease, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer. Research by scientists in Sweden conducted 45,000 men and found more amazing health benefits of milk which are drinking more than 1.5 cups of milk each day reduced to 35 percentages risk of developing colorectal cancer than those who do not or only use 2 cups per week.
According to research in Norway 40,000 women, researchers found that those who drank milk as a child and as an adult habits remain, the risk of breast cancer is lower than the group of people drink little or no milk. Calcium and natural fats in dairy products called Component link linoleic acid (CLA) and they have a very good effect in protecting the body at risk of colon cancer. And yet, milk also works to reduce type 2 diabetes, this is the conclusion drawn from a 10-year study of 3,000 overweight adults who consume milk and dairy products instead of refined sugar and carbohydrate should be very much decreased the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Besides, milk calcium and phosphorus should be beneficial for the development of teeth and gums. Research shows that milk, cheese, and dairy products come from reducing the negative effects caused by foods that contain substances that cause tooth decay can cause cardiogenic name. It has been proven to not cause tooth decay but also help protect the teeth, creating white teeth, bring a beautiful smile.

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